
Songclip is a Social Music API and SaaS business that partnered with every major music label and music publisher to license and integrate popular music clips with apps and digital platforms.

I worked with the CEO and executive team to develop and communicate the organization’s creative strategy, establish its brand identity, and define the partner offering and user experience.


Through the worst parts of the COVID pandemic, the team and I worked to bring Songclip to market, and in partnership with the music industry, the Songclip API was powering music features for a wide range of platforms.

Brand Strategy

When I joined Songclip, it was called Gifnote. Gifnote was a consumer-facing app allowing users to attach popular song clips to media or GIFs, and share as messages.

This prescient thinking around music’s place in social media predates the explosion of TikTok, and I worked to transition us to a SaaS service, where we leveraged our relationships inside the music industry to offer an API for integrating music clips to 3rd party apps.

We had a story to tell our investors, our clients, and the music industry – and I shaped that story.

Product Design

I designed the UI/UX for what was called The Songclip Portal. It was not only an internal tool for onboarding partners and managing their music licensing agreements, but it was used by the music industry to evaluate and approve potential integrations.

The Songclip Portal also had a client facing experience, giving our clients the ability to search, organize, and launch their music offering and check on approval statuses from music labels and publishers.


I was in charge of all Songclip Communications, including partner launch announcements and all automated communications from the Songclip Portal to both the music industry and our API clients.

I oversaw the design and development of the website, as well as conceptualized and designed product features like the Search Gallery and Songclip Charts.

IP Strategy

I oversaw the company’s patent strategy, working with the executive team and top patent attorneys to align on the company’s vision and develop plan of action to protect its IP.

Audiobyte (Songclip) owns 6 patents for communicating via personalized message including an audio clip from a preexisting recording, and 2 more patents around an audio and visual asset matching platform.